Searching for a tooth replacement solution that meets both your aesthetic and functional needs can be daunting. Traditional options such as dentures and bridges are known for their ability to help patients regain a level of function and a healthy looking smile.
While they solve the immediate problem of missing teeth, they do not deliver the same amount of strength and stability that implant supported restorations do. When replacing only the visible portion of missing teeth, the tooth root is ignored leading to potential complications. The role of tooth root is to both support the tooth and stimulate the underlying bone to avoid the loss of volume in the jaw.
Maintaining a Healthy Jaw
Just one missing tooth can have an adverse impact on the function and appeal of your smile because surrounding teeth can shift toward the empty space. Lack of stimulation provided by the tooth root causes resorption, a process in which the adjacent jawbone tries to close the gap, causing a decrease in bone volume. As resorption happens and jawbone mass begins to decline, a person’s jaw can appear shrunken, giving them a prematurely aged appearance. Dental implants replace a tooth from root to crown, stopping resorption and encouraging healthy bone development to improve the condition of your smile.
The implant procedure to replace an individual tooth involves inserting a single implant post into the jaw to act as the tooth root and establish a foundation for the restoration. The post integrates with the bone to support the prosthetic and provide a strong bite.
Implant-Supported Bridges and Dentures
Because traditional dentures rely on dental adhesives or natural suction to remain in place, they are prone to slipping, falling out, and even becoming lost. This can lead to self-consciousness and difficulty enjoying many foods.
Fixed bridges require alterations to adjacent healthy teeth in order to support the restoration. While traditional bridges may improve function, they can wear down over time, need occasional replacement. and leave the underlying bone untreated.
With dental implants, there is no need to worry about dentures slipping as they are securely attached to the artificial tooth roots that have integrated into the jaw. Implant-supported restorations allow patients to regain complete dental function, meaning you can chew your favorite foods effectively and smile openly without the risk of your teeth falling out.
Learn More about Dental Implants; call the Cedarhurst, NY dental office of Dr. Alina Bergan.
We place and restore dental implants for Cedarhurst, Woodmere and all of Five Towns. Dr. Bergan is committed to restoring the smiles of patients so they can reclaim the confidence that is often lost along with missing teeth. Our entire team is here to help patients achieve a smile they can be proud to show off.